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Yesterday, Georgia Agricultural Commissioner Gary Black announced campaign chairs in each of Georgia’s 159 counties.  Black is a Republican running for re-election for his third term as Ag Commissioner.

The Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture is the head of the state’s Department of Agriculture, which regulates and promotes Georgia’s agriculture industry.  Agriculture is Georgia’s largest industry.  The Georgia Department of Agriculture administers a variety of programs which all have a primary goal – to maintain the state’s viable farm industry and protect the consuming public.

Gary Black is the current commissioner who was elected first elected in 2010. He won re-election in 2014. Before becoming commissioner, black co-managed the Georgia Food Industry Partnership for 13 years. He also served as president of the Georgia Agribusiness Council and field representative in the Georgia Farm Bureau. Black attended the University of Georgia.

Black named Gore area resident Jamey Dawson as his campaign chair in Chattooga County.  Dawson is a timber and agricultural producer that was also a one-time Republican candidate for sheriff in Chattooga County.

Black will be facing opposition from Democrat Fred Swann in the November election.  Swann is a district chair with the Democratic Party of Georgia.  Swann says that he hopes to strengthen agricultural communities, address food insecurity and protect consumers.  Swann was born and raised in Middle Georgia. He attended Mercer University and Wesleyan College.