There was a delay in Chattooga County Election officials receiving the absentee ballots for next Tuesday’s Democratic Run-Off election. Chattooga County Election Superentindent Jon Payne told AM 1180 Chattooga Radio News that they had expected the ballots to be in by last Friday. The ballots were ordered on Monday July 21st. Premeir Election Printers did not get the ballots shipped until yesterday and they arrived in Summerville around noon today. Payne said that workers from his office and the registrars office would be working late into the evening to insure that all the absentee ballots are in the mail by tommorrow morning. Some ballots went out this afternoon.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of State’s office had received a complaint on Friday that absentee ballots were being taken out of the registrars office. Of course that proved to be false since the balltos weren’t even in the county on Friday.