Justin Tryll Silmon …. Poss of marijuana less than 1 ounce, Poss of Marijuana with intent to distr. Poss of Marijuana with intent ot distr. within 1000ft. of housing project. Poss of firearm or knife while trying to commit crimes, possession and use of drug re-lated objects, SPD probation violation.

Tammy Lynn Womack, Superior court probation violation poss meth X2

David Lavaughn Wooten …..violation of conditional bond orig. doc.

Gerardo Luis Cabrera….No License

Valerie Jean Hawkins….Disorderly conduct

Scott Randall King DUI Drugs less safe, possession of marijuana less than 1 ounce, suspended registration.

Junior Ray bridges, Superior Court probation violation orig. VGCSA misc. Misd.

Courtney marie Chamlee, Poss of Marijuana with intent to Distr. …Poss of marijuana with intent to distr. with 1000 ft. of a housing porject…possession and use of drug related objects, possession of marijuana less than 1 ounce.  possession of firearm or knife while trying to commit crimes….

Jorge Cruz…Disorderly conduct.

William Lee Davis, simple battery FVA, Obstruction or hindering law enforcement officers, parole violation orig, Terroristic threats adn acts..

Stryder Fain Maddox…simple battery. FVA