A former television reporter and Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate attended the Chattooga County Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner on Saturday evening. Dale Cardwell, former investigative reporter for Channel 2 WSB news in Atlanta was at the dinner looking for support from Chattooga County Democrats. Cardwell will be facing opposition in the Democratic Primary from De Kalb County CEO Vernon Jones, Atlanta area scientist Dr. Rand Knight, Jim Martin former legislator who was defeated in 2006 for the Lt. Governor’s position by Casey Cagle also David Poythress former Secretary of State and Labor Commissioner of Georgia, and former aid to Senator Tallmadge Josh Lanier and another former television news reporter Maggie Martinez. Cardwell, Jones, Martin and Knight are considered the front runners by most political pundits. The Democrats seeking the nomination want to unseat U. S. Senator Saxby Chambliss the current Republican Senator. Chambliss sits on the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee, following Senator Sam Nunn and Senator Richard B. Russell as Georgia Senators to sit on that committee.