The Chattooga County Board of Education met Monday night in a work session meeting. Personnel items on the agenda were as follows:
3. Board Consideration of Recommendation for approval to eliminate Classified Positions due to budget cuts.
4. Board Consideration of Recommendation for Personnel:
Certified Resignations – Lisa Hughes; Melissa Morrison; Keri Nugent
Certified Transfers – Patty Culver LMES, 3rd grade tchr.; Lori Daniel LES Autisic tchr.; Rodney Mann SMS Math; Jeff Martin CHS Asst. Principal; Leah McCullough LMES Media Specialist; John Starr LMES PE
Certified Recommendations – Carlton Andrews Tech. Specialist; Sally Cash P-5 Elementary/Spec. Ed; Robert L. “Bobby” Cavin LMES P-5; Bianca Rivera Spanish; David Tuttle CHS School Improvement Spec.; Tiffany World SES P-5
Classified Resignations – Stacy Kirby SES Spec. Ed Para
Classified Termination – Dewayne Treadaway Technology; Kenyon Mac Tribble LES Computer Lab Para
Classified Transfers – Ashley Coker SMS Spec. Ed Para; Christy Lea CHS Spec. Ed Para; Ed Parker LMES Spec. Ed Para; Cassandra Powell CHS Spec. Ed Para; Jamie Scott LES-Autistic Spec. Ed Para; Freda Watkins SES K Para
Classified Recommendations – Josie Bradfield Technology Dept.; Tabatha Brown System Occupational Therapist; Carla Chisolm System Occupational Therapist; Beverly Cowart CHS Receptionist; Geneva Dillard LMES Spec. Needs Para
The Board opened bids on custodial cleaning services. The bids were from three companies wishing to offer complete cleaning services to all Chattooga County Schools. The annual bids were:
Southern Management $761,255.64
Service Solutions $696, 756
Clear Cleaning Service $346, 548. This price only included waxing and stripping of floors and other services were listed as being charged in different ways.
Bids for cleaning supplies only were opened also. These bids were from the two following companies:
Camp Industries: $59, 716.56
Roman Chemical $49,922.00
If the BOE agrees to turn over services to one of these companies the company would be responsible for hiring all current custodial employees at their same rate of pay. Also, the cmopany would purchase cleaning equipment currently being used from the County BOE. The company would take over providing all cleaning supplies and cleaning services for all county schools.
The BOE also recognized CHS Healthcare Sciences Teacher Kathy Daniel. Kathy was recently granted Industry Certification for the Healthcare Science Program. This program leads CHS students to becoming qualified to be nurses’ assistants. Mrs. Daniel’s student passing rate for the State has been 100% for all sutdents who have taken the Certified Nursing Assistant test.
The next meeting of the Chattooga County Board of Education is set for Monday June 8, 2009 at 7pm at the Chattooga County Education Center.