Chattooga High School will be offering tutoring for those CHS students who failed any part of the Georgia High School Graduation Test(GHSGT). Tutoring will take place in Room A 1 and testing will take place in the Media Center. Both tutoring and testing will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. Please be on time.

                                                           TUTORING (ROOM A1@9am)

Monday, July 7: English and Writing

Tuesday, July 8: Math

Wednesday, July 9: Science

Thursday, July 10: Social Studies


                                                          TESTING (MEDIA CENTER@9am)

Monday, July 14: English

Tuesday, July 15: Math

Wednesday, July 16: Writing

Thursday, July 17: Science

Friday, July 18: Social Studies

If you have any questions concerning this schedule, please call Chattooga High School at 706-857-2402.