Democratic Candidate for State Senator to represent Chattooga, Walker, Dade and Catoosa county is charging that a recent debate sponsored by the Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce was biased in favor of Republican Candidates.

Coker’s charges stem from the fact that the Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce allowed State Representative Jay Neal to debate Coker because incumbent State Senator Jeff Mullis was on a junket overseas with Governor Perdue.  The Chamber also allowed several Republicans that did not show up to have representatives read statements.  Coker stated that without the candidates present at the meeting they were not able to be cross questioned and could not respond to specific questions.

The Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce stated that they felt their debate was fair and defended their decision to allow representatives to stand in for absent candidates.

Chattooga County residents will have their opportunity to hear from candidates on the local ballot coming up on Tuesday, October 28th at 7 PM when a forum sponsored by SKY21 Television, The Summerville News and AM 1180 Chattooga County Radio will be held at the Dandee Denson Shrine Auditorium in downtown Summerville.  The event will be broadcast live on radio and television.  Both Jeff Mullis and Bruce Coker have said they will attend the forum.