Easter Cantatas:
the Trion United Methodist Church will present an Easter cantata entitled "In The Presence of Jehovah". The cantata will be presented at the 11:00 am service on Easter Sunday.
Harrell Street Chruch of God will have an Easter Play on Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th at 7PM.
The New Bethel Baptist Church, located on old Hwy 27, Trion, GA, will present their Easter program, "He Lives", during their 11:00 service, Sunday, April 12, 2009.
Easter Play Box of Stones at Lyerly Pencostal Tabernacle directed by sister Susan Durham and teams of the church.. The Pastor Jacky Jones invites the public.
Dry Valley Baptist Will present The Broken One on April 11th at 7Pm and April 12th at 6PM…Everyone is invited to attend
heart of worship tabernacle next to first national bk.
trion will be doing an easter play sunday april 12th.
starting at 10:30am. also we will be on local tv
channel 97 saturday night april 11 starting at 6pm.
The West Summerville Baptist Church Choir will present a special Easter Musical, Sunday, April 12, during the 11:00 service. The pastor and church family invite everyone to attend.
Easter Services:
The Summerville First United Methodist Church will host a Good Friday service Friday, April 10th at 7pm. The service will include a message and communion.
The Trion United Methodist Church will host Easter activities beginning Easter Sunday at 9:45 thes include: the flowering of the cross, a balloon release, and a covered dish breakfast.
The Harrell Street Church of God will host Easter Sunrise Services on Sunday, those wishing to attend meet at Shepherd’s Helper parking lot at 6AM..They will not have Sunday School but will meet for Worship services at 11AM with dinner, Easter Egg Hunt and games to follow…
The Alpine Community Church, located on Hwy. 337, past the Menlo School, will have a Sunrise Service, Sunday, April 12, at 7:00a.m. The church will have breakfast after the Sunrise Service.
An Easter Sunrise Service will be held on Easter Sunday morning at 7:15 am at the Macedonia Cemetary located on Hwy. #337. Rev. Paul Bayerl invites the community to join the Beersheba congregation for this celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Mountain View Baptist Church in Trion will have special Easter Sunrise services, Sunday, April 12, celebrating He Is Risen, beginning with breakfast at 7am and the Sunrise Service at 8am. The guest speaker will be Brian Durden and the gospel group, The Durden Family.
Egg Hunts:
Easter Egg Hunt at West Berryton Faith Temple at 2:00pm Saturday. Games and Refreshments will be offered.
There will be a community-wide Easter Egg hunt Saturday April 11th begining at 11:00 a.m at the Lyerly First Baptist Church. Children through the fifth grade are invited to attend. There will crafts and a Hot Dog lunch, as well as the egg hunt. The Church is located at 265 Tennesse Avenue in Lyerly. For more information or directions call 706-895-4401
The Beersheba Presbyterian Church will host their annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 11th, 2009 at 4:00 pm at the church located on Hwy. #337 in the Teloga Community. A hot dog supper will follow the egg hunt.