President of the Weiss Lake Improvement Association, Carolyn Landrum told the Cherokee County Commission Monday evening she would not let her 10 year old grand-daughter swim in the lake because it is contaminated.
When asked to clarify her statement, Landrum said "(That) there are several different types of contamination in the lake coming from industry in Georgia, but that the majority was from raw sewage from campers from around the lake that do not have proper septic systems or septic systems that around the lake not working properly, she further stated that its time to take control and do something about the things we can control and depend on others to take care of the things we can`t. "
Landrum’s comment was made as she was informing the Commission about the activities of the Weiss Lake Improvement Association. She asked the Commission to come to the Association’s meetings and to work with them to help come up with answers to our problems concerning the lake. She told the commission building codes with the county were needed to help improve the area in addition to sharing about the activities of the organization
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