ATLANTA – The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) reported today that the unadjusted unemployment rate in the Coosa Valley area was a preliminary 10.3 percent in April, down from a revised 11.0 percent in March.

Meanwhile, the state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 9.3 percent in April, up slightly from a revised 9.2 percent in March and February.

The state’s April jobless rate was up 3.5 percentage points from 5.8 percent at this same time last year. Georgia’s unemployment rate remained above the national rate of 8.9 percent for the 18th consecutive month.

At present, 446,560 unemployed Georgians are looking for work, an increase of 60 percent from April of 2008. Of that number, 167,981, or 37.6 percent, are receiving unemployment insurance benefits.

The number of payroll jobs in April decreased 197,100, or 4.8 percent, from April of 2008. The over-the-year losses came in manufacturing, professional and business services, including temporary employment agencies, along with trade, transportation and warehousing, and the construction industry.

Job gainers totaling 14,200 were recorded in health care and educational services.

The local area unemployment rates are not seasonally adjusted. Georgia labor market data are available at