ATLANTA – State Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond announced today that the Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) has implemented an Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) that shifts department staff to 10-hour work days. The AWS will expand customer service hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Although the “four-day work week” has been implemented in other private and public agencies, the state department of labor’s AWS approach is unique. GDOL offices will continue to serve the public five days a week, with staff rotating four, 10-hour work days.
“Shifting to a 10-hour work day enables us to more effectively serve job seekers and employers during these difficult economic times,” said Commissioner Thurmond. “Due to the increasing number of jobless Georgians who are seeking our services, we have all but exceeded our capacity to serve them during a standard 40-hour work week. The Alternative Work Schedule will provide for a much needed, cost neutral expansion of services.”
The AWS initiative was piloted in Covington, Gainesville, Moultrie, and Clayton County career centers, with managers at these locations reporting impressive results:
– enhanced productivity;
– increased morale;
– more efficient work management;
– and, significant savings in staff commuting costs.
Thurmond added, “Continuing to provide high-quality service to thousands of additional job seekers and employers with fewer resources requires creative thinking and a new approach to doing business. This is extremely important as we grapple with increasing caseloads and a reduced state budget.”