Tired of the political ads on television and radio? Just a few more days and it will all be over. Next Tuesday, November 4th Chattooga County Residents will go to the polls to pick a new President, vote on their Congressman and U.S. Senator, State Senator, State Representative, County Commissioner and County Tax Commissioner.
On Friday, AM 1180 Chattooga County Radio spoke with election officials in the county and saw the preparations for voting this coming Tuesday. Workers in the elections office will be working this weekend to ensure that everything is ready for the upcoming election. Judge Jon Payne, election superentindent, told AM 1180 Chattooga County Radio that he expects everything to run smoothly. Their will be a "tote board" set up on the steps of the Chattooga County Courthouse on West Washington Street with updates for anyone gathered at the courthouse.
AM 1180 Chattooga County Radio will be simulcasting election results with SKY 21 Television, channel 5 on your cable system. Join Jimmy Holbrook and Tom Maxwell for the latest vote totals from around the county and check updates on www.chattoogainfo.com . The Summerville News’ Jason Espy will be providing the updated numbers from precincts around Chattooga County. Election coverage begins at 7 PM this coming Tuesday.