A Floyd County Police Officer is under investigation for tampering with tickets issued by the department.  According to the official press release from the Floyd County Police Department:

On September 4, 2008, Chief Bill Shiflett terminated Officer Mark Corbin’s association with the Floyd County Police Department. Officer Corbin’s termination was based on the fact that Officer Corbin violated standard operating procedure:

*Conduct on or off duty unbecoming to a county employee which brings discredit to Floyd County. Members shall conduct themselves at all times both on and off duty, in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on the department. Conduct unbecoming an officer shall include that which brings the department into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the officer as a member of the department or that which impairs the operation or efficiency of the department or member.

Officer Corbin violated this policy by discarding an official traffic citation which had been written by Officer Donald Boatner to an individual for the offense of the Move Over Law on August 26, 2008.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has been requested and is now conducting a criminal investigation regarding how and why the traffic citation was discarded.