Call it groundhog gone high tech. Georgia’s resident weather prognosticating rodent, Gen. Beauregard Lee, on Monday sent text messages via Twitter as he prepared to exit his lair at the Yellow River Game Ranch and pronounce to the waiting crowd whether there would be six more weeks of winter.“A crowd gathering outside my house,” Gen. Lee “twittered” at 6:45 a.m.Beau the groundhog emerged from his mansion at the Yellow River Game Ranch at 7:30 a.m., saw no shadow, and indicated Georgia will have an early spring. About 100 people gathered Monday morning outside of the ‘home’ of Georgia’s official groundhog prognosticator, Gen. Beauregard Lee. The groundhog was joined this year by the Gwinnett Braves’ mascot, “Chopper,” who the game ranch referred to as Beau’s “much more athletic cousin.”As the time for his annual forecast drew closer, Beau twittered, “I have been eating more organically lately, but I think I smell grits!” A few minutes later, he added, “no, it’s hash browns.”At 7:26, Beau posted on the social networking site that there were “lots of people yelling outside; must be time.”Meanwhile, 560 miles to the north, Beau’s Yankee counterpart, Punxsutawney Phil took a moment to declare the Pittsburgh Steelers world champions, then saw his shadow and forecast six more weeks of winter.Just moments after Phil’s forecast, Georgia’s groundhog emerged under cloudy skies, failed to see his shadow and promised that spring would be just around the corner.