The Lyerly Town Council tabled the idea of a laundromat for the second time on Tuesday of this week.  Lyerly businessman Tony Patell had requested permission to build a 8 washer – 12 dryer laundromat next to his convenience store earlier this spring.  The Town Council told Mr. Patell that they wanted to see the plans for the Laundromat before approving the move.

Mr. Patell showed up at Tuesday evening’s called meeting with the plans for the laundromat, but the Town Council took no action on the request.  Some council members are concerned about the amount of waste-water that would be sent to Lyerly’s sewage plant.  Council member Connie Short said that she thought Mr. Patell deserved an answer to his request, but in the end the council voted to table the matter until their July meeting.

The council wants to find out about setting a commercial rate for sewage service for the proposed laundromat and added that Smith Iron Works has also expressed interest in city sewage service from Lyerly.