As of October 1st, residents in Chattooga County and Northwest Georgia can now apply for burn permits from the Georgia Forestry Commission.  Recently Tommy Hawkins with the Georgia Forestry Commission Office in Summerville talked with AM 1180 about the changes in the burn permit system.

There are some changes to the burn permit system.  Mr. Hawkins said that landowners wishing to burn natural vegetation must apply for a permit at  or by calling 1-877-OK-2-Burn.  The local Forestry Office in Summerville can no longer issue burn permits. 

In the past a burn permit was only good for a pile of natural vegitation measuring 6’x6′.  However, now you can burn any size pile of natural vegitation as long as it was piled by hand and without the use of machinery.

AM 1180 will air the interview with Tommy Hawkins from the Georgia Forestry Commission this morning at 8:15 AM and again this afternoon at 12:45 PM and 5:20 PM.