The issue regarding the Chattooga County Sheriffs Department overtime pay has hit a raw nerve with some employees and now, former employees with the Sheriffs Department.

In last week’s issue of The Summerville News, there was a photo of a handwritten sheet showing comp time and overtime pay.  Tammy Owens, who was responsible for payroll at the department told AM 1180 Chattooga Radio News yesterday that many people did not realize that handwritten paper was from October of this year and was simply a guess on her part. 

Owens said that the commissioners office had requested an idea of what would happen if every Sheriffs Department employee turned in their overtime and comp time pay, and that the handwritten paper was a quick guess on her part.  According to Owens it did not reflect the actual overtime and comp time pay for the department.  Owens also stated that she turned in the correct time sheet to the commissioner’s office when it was requested but that was not the time sheet pictured in the paper.

Owens also said that she welcomed the audit that was requested by former Chattooga County Commissioner Mike Dawson into the payroll at the Sheriffs Department.  That audit is ongoing.  Commissioner Jason Winters who takes office today told AM 1180 Chattooga County Radio that he awaiting the results of that audit before any decisions are reached.