Georgia companies wanting to protect customer lists, secret processes and other proprietary information from competitors would gain leverage to enforce non-compete provisions in employee contracts under this proposed revision to the state constitution.
If this amendment passes, vehicle owners would pay another $10 for their tags so that the money can fund a statewide network of trauma-care response.
Amendment 3
This amendment would also open the door to multiyear contracts, but for installing energy-efficiency upgrades in state buildings.
The upgrades would be paid for with the savings in utility costs. Since those savings would trickle in over many years, installers want contracts that will cover all the years until they’re fully paid.
This applies to two small areas in just two of Georgia’s counties, Chatham and Jeff Davis. It would allow property in those areas that were once deemed industrial to be annexed to the cities providing services
This question asks voters if they want to end the inventory tax Georgia charges businesses. Local governments would still be able to tax inventories if they wish.
Only six states charge it, and supporters say companies put their warehouses in states that don’t charge it to avoid Georgia’s tax. Eliminating the tax, they argue, would bring jobs.
Critics argue that any tax break for one group adds to the burden of other taxpayers.
Read more: – 5 amendments 1 question appear on Nov 2 ballot