The annual Sum Nelly Fall Arts and Crafts Festival in Summerville at Dick Dowdy Park kicked off the "Steam Into Summerville Days."  Vendors and spectators from all across the area attended the event.

Each weekend during Rail Road Days, local activities will begin prior to the arrival of the historic steam locomotive and train from the Tennessee Valley Railroad. The train is expected to steam into Summerville at approximately 1 p.m. on each of these Railroad Days.Following the train’s arrival, visitors may watch as the historic #610 steam locomotive is detached from the train and turned on the massive 95 ton Summerville Railroad Turntable.

Coming up in the weeks ahead:

October 11th                     Pets in the Park

                              Dowdy Park – 9 a.m.until 3 p.m.

 October 18th                  Sequoyah Art, Craft, and Antique Show

                              featuring chain saw carvings by Jim Marbutt

                                      Dowdy Park- 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

October 25th                     “Steamin’ Hot” Stew and Chili Cook-Off

                                 Dowdy Park- 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

 November 1st and 2nd          Rattling Gourd Art Festival

                                 Chattooga County Civic Center

                                         Saturday, Nov. 1st– 9 a.m. until 5 p.m

                                         Sunday,   Nov 2nd– 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.