There were three accidents with injuries reported by The Georgia State Patrol post in Rome in Chattooga County in their weekly report to the media. All three accidents were single vehicle accidents.
One accident occured this past Sunday on Highway 27 in the area of Stoleman Road. The accident involved Samuel David Powell of Gaylesville who told State Troopers that he thought he blacked out. Powell was taken Redmond Regional Medical Center by Chattooga County EMS.
Another accident happened last Wednesday on Halls Valley Drive when Salita Shea Siffles of Trion lost control of her small pickup truck. Georgia State Troopers said that Siffles was driving too fast for conditions. Siffles was transported to Floyd Medical Center by Chattooga County EMS.
Another accident on last Wednesday, October 8th on Highway 48 and involved Angela Sparks of Menlo. Sparks told troopers that she lost control of her vehicle in a curve when she hit a puddle of water. Sparks was taken to Floyd Medical Center by Chattooga County EMS.