On Monday, Oct. 27, Walker County officials invite the public to attend a celebration that honors the recent purchase and protection of about 18,000 acres of land at McLemore’s Cove. 

The county and state of Georgia recently sealed a deal to buy the land.

The celebration will begin around noon, with lunch being served before a tour of the property commences. Other activates are also scheduled.

The state Department of Natural Resources will be on hand to talk about the preservation effort of the cove property.

Walker County Commissioner Bebe Heiskell said of the purchase, “It has taken several years to get this put together. But this is just the beginning of our opportunities there. Not only will our people be able to enjoy this beautiful area, but the county will benefit from the traffic it will draw from visitors.”

The celebration will take place at the Mountain Cove Farm, which now belongs to the county, with a formal address by the commissioner and other local leaders around 1:30 p.m.

The majority of the $12 million purchase came from county and state funds that will place much of McLemore’s Cove in the surrounding wildlife management preserve.

Barbecue plates, including a drink, will be available for $6.50.

Those wishing to attend the event are asked to RSVP by contacting Beth Brown at bbrown@gadnr.org or by calling (404) 463-2092.