ATLANTA – The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) reported today that the unemployment rate in the Coosa Valley area rose to a preliminary unadjusted rate of 6.6 percent in September, up 2.3 percentage points over the year from September of 2007. The jobless rate in the Coosa Valley area rose three-tenths of one percentage point from a revised 6.3 percent in August.

Meanwhile, the state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 6.5 percent in September, the highest rate in nearly 16 years. The jobless rate was up two percentage points from 4.5 percent at this same time last year. It remains above the national rate of 6.1 percent for the eighth consecutive month. The state’s jobless rate is up two-tenths of a percentage point from a revised 6.3 percent in August.

“I want to reassure jobless Georgians that the Georgia Department of Labor is committed to helping them find work,” said State Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond. “Job seekers should treat their search like a full-time job and fully utilize the employment services we provide. Our website site at offers a wide range of information and assistance and our career center services include referral to job openings, job search workshops, resume writing assistance, computer access, and referral to education and training opportunities.”

The number of payroll jobs in Georgia in September decreased 53,200 or 1.3 percent, from September 2007. This is the largest September-to-September decline in jobs since 64,500 were lost from September of 2001 to September of 2002. Job losses came across-the-board in manufacturing, construction, trade, and services. The number of jobs decreased 24,800 from August to September, down in most major industries. At present, 317,490 unemployed Georgians are looking for work.

The local area unemployment rates are not seasonally adjusted. Georgia labor market data are available at