The Veterans of Foreign Wars Mason-McCauley Post 6688 has scheduled an important special called meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 29 at the Chattooga County Memorial Home.  The purpose of the meeting is to elect new officers for the coming year.

            At the VFW’s meeting on April 1 no one would take an office.  State Quartermaster Al Spears has said that is officers are not elected by April 29 the state can pull the charter.

            Anyone who has served on foreign land and has a medal would be eligible to join the VFW.

            “The VFW needs new younger members to keep the Post going.”  Seventh District Commander Charles Billy Brown said.  “The officers have been in office a long time and are getting tired and need help from younger veterans.”

            Those eligible are asked to bring the DD214 and join the VFW to show their support for the Veterans and themselves because you have fought for our freedom, Brown added.