Embattled State Court Judge Carlton Vines was re-indicted on charges stemming from the 2006 State Court Judge Election in Chattooga County.
Originally it was thought that Vines would be arraigned yesterday; however due to a scheduling problem with Bartow County Judge G. Carey Nelson of the Cherokee Circuit, that arraignment did not take place.
Prosecutor Joe Buford who is handling the Vines case took the opportunity to present indictments again to the Grand Jury. This move was made due to the fact that the original indictment had the names of 26 Grand Jurors on it, instead of the 23 required by Georgia Law. Vines attorneys had told the media after the September indictment that they would challenge the original charges because more than the legal number of Grand Juror’s names had appeard on the original indictment.
Vines arraignment has been rescheduled for October 17th.