In the Scout Promise, scouts vow to help others. The Scouting for Food program supports this by collecting food for those in need. Pack 38, Troop 7B, and Troop 7G will collect non-perishable items on February 8 from 10 AM to 12 PM on Ralph Stanley Drive. The food will go to the Community Resource Center of Chattooga County. Read full details below:

In the Scout Promise, a scout promises to help other people at all times. By participating in a Scouting for Food program, scouts come a step closer to fulfilling those words. As Scouts, we know how fortunate we are to have a warm meal every night — whether around the campfire or at the kitchen table. And we know that not everyone is so lucky. That’s the genesis of Scouting for Food, the annual food-collection drive run by Northwest Georgia Council. It’s another reminder to our local communities that Scouts are here, doing good turns.
Pack 38, Troop 7B, and Troop 7G will be collecting non perishable items thru a Drive Thru Collection site on Saturday Feb 8 from 10am till 12noon on Ralph Stanley Drive between the Scout Hut and the Tennis Courts.
The food collected will be donated to the Community Resource Center of Chattooga County.
Here is a list of most needed items:
• Canned fruit and vegetables
• Canned tuna, chicken or salmon in water
• Canned or dried beans, peas or lentils low sodium
• Whole grain pasta and flour
• Brown rice, barley, quinoa
• Whole grain cereal
• Shelf-stable milk dairy, soy, rice, etc.
• Natural peanut butter plastic containers only
• Olive or canola oil plastic containers only
• Paper Products
• Diapers
• Toiletries
Chattooga County Scout Program is available to all boys and girls from Kindergarten thru 18 yrs of age.  Check out for more information about your local scouts.