AdventHealth Redmond is hosting the AngioScreen bus from 10 am to 2 pm, Saturday, Feb. 1. The AngioScreen bus will be parked in front of the main entrance of the Forum River Center, located at 301 Tribune St, Rome, Ga, 30161. An AngioScreen is a noninvasive, 10-minute vascular screening designed to assess your risk of heart disease and stroke.

This painless 10-minute assessment delivers immediate results at the time of screening. An AngioScreen includes carotid artery screening ultrasound looking for plaque (the leading cause of stroke), 5 lead ECG of the heart rhythm, ankle-brachial indices and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening. If you have any of the following risk factors, you should consider scheduling an appointment today:

· Age 55 or above

· High blood pressure

· High cholesterol

· History of smoking

· Family history of stroke

· Diabetes

· Obesity

· Family history of heart attack

· A personal medical history of other cardiovascular issues

The screening is free of charge and HSA eligible. To register for this screening, visit and for more information, call 706-290-8008.