Chattooga County Commissioner Jason Winters announces that he will be asking for sealed bids on meals to feed Chattooga County Jail Inmates.  The meals are to be furnished 2 times a day and will be picked up by the Sheriff’s department at approximately 7:30 Am and 5:30 Pm daily.  The number of meals will vary from day to day and will be called in to the provider daily at 7AM and 5PM.. Coffee or milk shall be made available to be served with breakfast and coffee or tea with the other 2 meals.  The diet shall conform to the Georgia Dietetic Association Diet Manual and shall include a minimum of 3100 calories a day.  The provider shall furnish to the Commissioner in advance weekly meal plans and menus that have been approved in writing by a licensed or registered dietician or nutritionist.  The provider shall furnish written certification from such dietician or nutritionist to the Commissioner.  The provider shall furnish drinking cups, eating utensils, and individual packets of salt and pepper with this service.  The Service shall begin  April 2nd and end on December 31st, 2009 and shall include all holidays with that period……The Bids should be in a sealed envelope marked sealed bid on the outside of the envelope and received at the Commissioners office at 10102 Commerce Street in Summerville on or before 10AM on Monday March 30th at which time the bids will be open… The Commissioner reserves the right to purchase any or all items on bid at the offered price.  Also the Commssioner reserves the right to reject any and all bids….