The next meeting of the Chattooga Young Farmers will be March 5, at 7:00pm.  Ronnie Able with Intervet/Shering Plough Animal Health will present a program on Animal Health, (deworming and vaccines), YOU MUST CALL BY MARCH 3rd FOR THE MEAL.  There will be no charge for the meal if your 2009 dues have been paid, or are paid at this meeting.  Please attend and support your CCYF Chapter.  DUES for 2009 are $30.00  You must call Lynn Hall and give the number attending so they can prepare an adequate number of meals. Please call the Chattooga High School at 706-857-2402, ext. 115; home phone number, 706-895-4872 or cell phone, 706-331-1323.  The CCYF Chapter hopes to see you at the meeting.