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Over the past weekend, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division highlighted a case of illegal hunting in Chattooga County that took place this past fall.

According to Game Warden Isaac Roberson, he was patrolling Little Egypt Road in Chattooga County during primitive-weapons week for deer hunting. He noticed a red Ford pickup truck parked along a gravel road with blood and possible deer hair in it.

Roberson checked the truck’s registration, which belonged to a 26-year-old man from Rome. After about 15 minutes, the man emerged wearing hunting gear. Roberson asked for his hunting license and details about his hunt. The hunter claimed he was 300 to 400 yards into the property and had seen does and shot a coyote. He mentioned he left his muzzleloader back in the woods.

The licenses were valid, but Roberson noted the blood on the truck. The hunter initially denied shooting a deer but later admitted he shot a buck with a . 243 rifle. The hunter then took Game Warden Roberson to an 8-point buck that he had shot that morning with the rifle. The hunter was issued a citation for Hunting With An Illegal Weapon. The buck was seized and taken to Weesner’s Wild Game Processing in Summerville for the meat to be donated. The antlers were removed and logged into evidence at the DNR Region 1 Law Enforcement office. 

The GA DNR encourages all citizens to report violators. By working together, the community and law enforcement can combat illegal activities and ensure that the state’s natural resources are preserved for future generations.