The Chattooga High School classes of 1969, 1970, and 1971 are set to have a joint reunion on Saturday, May 3rd, at the Chattooga County Agricultural Center, located on Middle School Drive in Summerville. The event will start at 3 PM. and will include activities for reconnecting and enjoying catered food from Varsity. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7 PM. Attendees should wear casual clothes for a relaxed atmosphere. The cost to attend is $25 per person, and early reservations are recommended, with a deadline of March 15 for planning purposes. Checks should be made out to the respective class year and sent to the contact person for each class. For the Class of 1969, contact Phyllis Marks Brown at 706-859-2792 or The Class of 1970’s contact is Rosita Chevremont McWhorter at 706-217-5228 or For the Class of 1971, reach out to Wayne Lewis at 706-506-5005 or Further details will be sent out soon.