State Representative Barbara Massey Reece, D-Menlo, told AM 1180 Chattooga Radio News that she is happy that the new Electronic Georgia Licensing System will now offer increased sales availability by allowing retailers that currently sell hunting and fishing license the oportunity to continue doing so.  Reece was a vocal critic of the Georgia Deparment of Natural Resources decision to outsource the process of hunting license.  According to Reece an agreement has been reached with the Central Bank of Missouri which is now overseeing the issuing of hunting and fishing license.  Reece says that while she is still not in favor of the outsourcing this step will allow those retailers with internet access to continue to sell the licenses.  Reece said that she is still concerned with the new policy and that some local hunters and anglers objected to putting their personal information online to obtain a hunting or fishing license.  A public hearing on the issue is scheduled for Thursday August 7th at Pepperell High School in Lindale at 7 PM.